Monday, 23 January 2012

21 Jan: Saturday--PizzaMulch, Gazpacho and Reiki training

Jacques and Molly do trees while I make gazpacho and hummus and  help Jo take out the bread.  She has a rule, based on some bread and butter orgies by wwoofers in the past: No eating hot bread.  Neverthess, the bread looks perfect:

I am all alone in the kitchen, working on lunch and dinner, while the hot bread calls to me.  Of course,  I incorporate it into the lunch menu...

Molly harvested the garlic, and laid out on screens that can be moved into the garage, then outside when it is sunny to dry.  Jacques and I "pizza mulch" a  strawberry bed--a flat version of a compost pile, using newspaper and 3 other layers. After that, Molly and I staple gunned shade netting on a  frame for a new vegetable bed.  We also fixed the wind break in the main garden.

Lunch was a success!

Molly and the garlic--she is holding a monster elephant garlic

sheet mulching aka pizza mulch

back to Molly's garlic screens

the wood is weighing down the sheet mulching

gazpacho with cashew cream and guacamole...fresh bread to have with hummus

Afer lunch Molly and I got the dessert ready for dinner—nut crust and flavored cashew cream.  Molly soaked the quinoa and millet for the main course. 
Then--a pretty big deal:  Reiki lesson #2, attunement #3…and a demo treatment how-to.  Then Molly facilitated a Reiki session with Rex, and I did one with Jacques.  Very trippy and meditative to act as the energy channel. Wow.  

After the Reiki lesson and treatments, Molly and I finished getting dinner together.  There was a last minute checking the internet for how to get millet to be un-bitter and un-gummy, but Molly saved the day with fresh tangelo juice.  Jacques helped decorate the dessert and serve up the sauerkraut appetizer.

Dessert was for dinner (after quinoa and Millet and vege (as opposed to "veggie," although it is pronounced the same) fantasia...  This dessert was raw: nut crust, vanilla flavored cashew cream and fruit.
the clean kitchen after dishwashing...Ahhhhhh

Sky toward the evening

More evening gorgeosity...
An hour of evening watering and we were freed up at 7:30.  I gave Dick a call and spent the evening chatting, reading and partly on the internet…

Only 5 more full days here…then off for a few days to Coromandel or somewhere…

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